Fresh Accounting
Fresh offers a fully integrated cloud-based accounting solution to help you manage all of your finances in one place.​ Our accounting module offers a comprehensive suite of features to help you control every aspect of your business accounts for both primary and secondary wholesale business.​
Our accounting software offers an all-in-one solution customised specifically to the unique needs of the fresh produce industry and your business. It seamlessly integrates financial management into your existing system and provides robust tools to streamline your entire accounting process.

Scheduled reporting to email/fax/printer
Enquiry screens with drill down functions
No limit to number of records i.e. Debtors, Creditors, General Ledger
Codes can be changed or merged at any time
No forced close-off of periods
All data can be kept on-line for 7+ years
Customer discount and rebate handling
Back dating of reports for prior periods
XLS, CSV and PDF report formats
General Ledger
Fully integrated with Debtors, Creditors and Cash Book
General and standing journals
Definable accounting periods
Manual payments
Trial balance
Account query
Transaction reporting
Financial reporting (Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet etc.)
GST/BAS calculation lodgement report
End of year rollover does not delete past transactions
Accounts Payable
Market purchases
Freight reconciliation
General creditors
Self-generating grower invoices (RCTI)
Payment by BPAY, cheque, EFT, cash or credit card
EFT bank files (.aba)
Payment remittances
Stop/cancelled payments
Payments due list
Supplier aged analysis (can be backdated)
Combined payment for a group of creditors
Scheduled reporting to email/fax/printer
Enquiry screens with drill down functions
No limit to number of records i.e. Debtors, Creditors, General Ledger
Codes can be changed or merged at any time
No forced close-off of periods
All data can be kept on-line for 7+ years
Customer discount and rebate handling
Back dating of reports for prior periods
XLS, CSV and PDF report formats
Scheduled reporting to email/fax/printer
Enquiry screens with drill down functions
No limit to number of records i.e. Debtors, Creditors, General Ledger
Codes can be changed or merged at any time
No forced close-off of periods
All data can be kept on-line for 7+ years
Customer discount and rebate handling
Back dating of reports for prior periods
XLS, CSV and PDF report formats
Accounts Receivable
Any terms or ageing calendars
Full open item
Account query
Aged debtor analysis (can be backdated)
Statements by open item, balance forward or document
Transaction listings
Print/fax/email invoices, receipts and statements
Head office statements
Discounts and rebates
Overdue debtors screen
Cash Book
Fully integrated with General Ledger
Cash Book receipting and payments
Standing journals
Bank reconciliation for unlimited accounts